About Oh Captain!

Hello Friend,

At Oh Captain! Men's Depot, we focus on dads, their sons, and the great outdoors. We not only push the creative boundaries of men's soap, but we also developed 7-4-O &give 7% of our profits to help orphans in the US and abroad. This isn't merely an add-on to make the company look good – my wife and I have adopted 3 children and are involved with agencies to help kids without families.

Not only that, but my wife and I have adopted 3 children, and all members of our "Team Conner" are actively involved in developing the company. From sniff testing, design elements, to packaging products for shipping – it's all done "in-house" which means literally, in our house, to keep the cost as low as possible in order to maximize our impact.

And yes we love the outdoors! We have been hiking all over God's creation! Europe, Asia, Central America, and the great USA, we have enjoyed some of the most amazing landscapes on the planet. Yes we even almost died in the Copper Canon of Mexico (larger that the Grand Canyon.) We have been charged by alligators, danced through a den of vipers, lost on an Island, chase by wild boars, surfed hurricane swells (Joel), been covered with ash from a live volcano(Joel), walked the Great Wall of China, and raised two special needs kids(our hardest challenge.)

Thank you for your time and I hope that you'll give our products a try, knowing that every shower adventure that you have will help bring hope to children in need.

Best Regards,


7-4-O 7 Percent for Orphans
Joel Hiking in Snow
